
meMy daughter was almost two years old when we moved from Japan to the United States. When I met friends of the friends we were staying with at first, sooner or later they’d ask: “So, what do you do?” Well, having a child was such an amazing and significant experience, that I’d answer: “I’m a mother”. It didn’t take long for me to notice that people expected a different answer, something that would define me, a label, a category: “the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker”.

I still can’t answer that question.

I now live near Santa Fe in New Mexico. Gradually, I acquired three cats: Chaco, Lila, and Angelina (my beloved Lila passed away on April 9, 2011); and two dogs: Harold and Mieze. Actually, they found me rather than vice versa. No, make that three dogs… Last year (2010) in June I took in an abandoned puppy. Stella is one year old by now and is almost a grown-up doggie. My daughter lives in Boston and comes to visit at least once a year, usually around Christmas.

I like to go hiking and to take photographs. Some of my pictures can be seen at my website, and at flat grey wall. And I design websites.

1 Response to About

  1. danny bloom says:


    hi i livewd in ajapn fopr 5 years. now ntaiwan

    can you blog and ahowe pics of polar cities

    domo domo


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